Thursday, November 11, 2010


The arrival of #2.

Let me start off by saying, punks had colic for the first 3 months of her life. people use the diagnosis colic very losely.  to clarify, punks screamed and when I say screamed, I mean SCREAMED for 20 hours a day non-stop. Well, obviously we did not learn from this experience (perhaps we blocked out the nightmare?) and 3 weeks ago, baby girl #2 joined our family. At first it was absolute bliss. She slept for 20 hours a day. I often felt the need to poke her to see if she was still alive. The opposite of punks. And then something happened. In the past two weeks, she has started to cry in the evening hours.  colic. Somewhere between six and seven until about eleven she cries and cries and cries. Could this really be happening?!  Newborn also needs to eat every two hours. every two hours. even at night. I know this is normal, but it is still completely exhausting.  eat, sleep or cry if it is evening, poop. repeat.

Now, lets add my toddler to the mix. Punks has enough energy for 3 children and she is less than pleased bebe has inserted herself into our lives. She has taken to biting, hitting, scratching or any other not so nice action to get my attention.

My eyes are bloodshot and have bags under them. I havent shaved in a week because I dont have time to shower. My hair lives in a pony tail. One good thing is I dont have time to eat, so the baby weight is melting off. However, when I look in the mirror I swear I have aged five years.

This is not my pity party, just a venting session.

Conclusion: Newborn babies are not as cute as they appear.


  1. Just so you know, someone sympathizes. Although our little guy sleeps in 3-5 hour chunks, we're up all night anyway doing the "make sure he's still alive" thing. I never knew watching your kid breathe could be so terrifying.

  2. Hold'll get better. I mean I have no idea, only having one - but I think it'll get better. And one day you will get to shower again!!!!

  3. The first few days are like a newborn roping you in and then *WHAM* they unleash the fury.

    "I havent shaved in a week because I dont have time to shower. My hair lives in a pony tail"

    And for some reason, I read this is as your leg hairs are long enough to put up in a pony tail and it made me laugh.
