Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Among Punks' many accessories, her favorites are her many purses. What can I say? Like mother, like daughter. She loves to keep all kinds of things in her purse like pretend "ipsticks", lotions and credit cards not real credit cards duh, they are unused gift cards.  She has many "credit cards" (are we teaching her this bad habit too early?) because we always seem to get gift cards to places that we will never go. I don't even know where there is an Academy in Los Angeles and we never get to go to the movies so those are out. There are zero Cracker Barrels anywhere near us and who the hell ever heard of Fashion Bug?  I am sure it is a great store, maybe I am just out of the fashion loop. So, these cards along with others just hang out around the house. At least Punks has a good time pretending with them, huh?

Last week it was hotter than Haiti in Los Angeles and then the rain came. So, punks and I have been confined to the house and have watched so much TV I am afraid I have done some permanent damage to my little girl's developing brain. There are only so many games to play,  dress-up sessions to pretend and books to read before you just end up in front of the TV for extended amounts of time. So incredibly bored there are no words.  BUT, then I saw it. A commercial for CardWoo. I pulled up my laptop to check it out: They will buy my unwanted gift cards? They will send me a check? I can buy cards from them at a discount and the shipping is free? Who dreams up this stuff? What a fantastic idea! A shopping trip for ME and beautiful accessories start dancing in my head. So, I fill out the information they asked for online and my little (prepaid postage) package arrives a few days later. As I stuff the gift cards inside, I am starting to get excited. Maybe I can catch the mail lady before she rounds the corner.

I will get back to you on how much money they give me for the cards. The nice customer service lady informed me if I wasn't satisfied they would send my cards back in the mail. I just have to decide within 14 days. ummm, I think I will know if I am satisfied when I get the check.  In the meantime, I am checking out all the cards that CardWoo offers at a discount (free shipping) and I think I have narrowed it down to Coach or SAKS.  This mama needs a new bag. Wooo Hooo CardWoo! 

To be continued...


  1. I want this in Canada!!! What a great idea for all those useless cards that I use for padding to make my wallet look fat (and thereby make it look like I am loaded - get it?) Let us know how it goes!

  2. HAHA! Good idea! I received almost full value for the cards and then got cards to coach which I used for a new bag :)

  3. If you trully want the most money for your gift cards, sell them yourself on Ebay! If cardwoo also sells discounted gift cards, you have to know they are going to lowball you on buying yours.

  4. possibly. I have 2 kids and no time to manage an ebay account. I am sure I wouldnt get full value on ebay either (then I would have to go and mail the cards to the buyer) Cardwoo gave me a great deal on my cards and it was completely hassle free. So, they still have my vote!
