Saturday, May 14, 2011


You could ruin your child's future by not getting them into the correct preschool.  Research the schools when your pregnant so you can start plunking down your deposits while they are still in the womb.  That way when your child speaks 3 languages and reads before age 2, you can brag that your little Johnny goes to the primo preschool down the road.

Know the parents I am speaking of?

I took Punks to the Playstation the other day to run out some energy.  We are new to the area and I asked a pair of moms about the good preschools in town. GASP!!  They stared silently at me with their completely horrified faces.  Your toddler has not attended preschool yet??  You haven't secured her a spot for the fall yet?!?  You would have thought I just told them I let my child watch more than one hour of television per day. Oh, wait.  I guess they decided to save my daughter from her incompetent mother because when they regained consciousness I was totally bombarded with rules, regulations and deadlines about getting my child into a good preschool now so that I don't completely ruin her future. I wanted to run for the slide tunnels and crawl in after Punks to hide from them.

I just haven't seen the need to send Punks to preschool just yet.  She is learning her colors, numbers and all of the things a 2 year old should know just fine.  However, now it is time. She needs some structure in a bad way. She needs time away from mommy to spread her wings. Okay, that was a bit fluffy. She needs to learn to sit in a chair and wait her turn to talk among other little humans her age.

We visited our first school the other day. When I walked in I was attacked with facts and figures and must dos and donts and everything in between. If my head wasn't securely attached to my body it would have spun off and landed on the table that held more "educational games" than you have ever seen.  All for sale. All with an absurd price tag. We are talking about plastic toys here people.  You want your child to succeed don't you? Well, then you must buy this $95 bag of blocks.

This preschool fad is out of control.  As much as I think it is necessary for a child to attend school starting about age 3 for social reasons, I am truly annoyed at the madness surrounding the preschool competition.  Too many parents are obsessed with their children being the best at everything. Sadly enough at their child's expense.

But me being annoyed doesn't matter because here I sit. Researching preschools in the area in order not to ruin my childrens' future.  I wonder if preschools have a PTA.  I have always wanted to be a PTA mom....


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