Saturday, March 26, 2011


I have quite a few friends who claim they LOVE being fat, swollen, hormonal preggers.  um, huh?  I have had two babies and nothing about being pregnant equals love.  You swell up so big you dont even recognize your own ankles. Heart burn rages. Hormones fly out of control. Your back hurts. Your knees hurt. Hell, everything hurts.

The only thing that made me feel better was exercise. I craved it.  Had to have it. Couldn't live without it. every. single. day.  Right up until the day before birth. I would have gone the day I gave birth if I hadn't gone into labor so early in the day. Every morning before my hubbie got engulfed in his work I would ask, "Soooooo, when can I exercise today?" I could feel the roll of his eyes.  He really didn't have time to take 3 hours out of his day to babysit a crazy toddler so I could exercise, but he did it.  For me. For my sanity. For his own sanity.

So once a day I would head to Bikram yoga or to the pool where I could sweat and get those addictive endorphins pumping so I would be a little less psychotic crazy.  At least for 24 hours or so.

The weeks passed and my belly grew and grew. and grew.  At the pool I would wear a two piece. Yes, I did.  At yoga I wore tiny shorts and a tank top. Why not just a sports bra you ask?  because  There were certain poses that showed off my growing back fat rolls. I have an opposition to back fat.  It is gross.  I bought some XL tanks, but they were so huge and whale-ish.  And then I stumbled on For Two Fitness.  The tanks hugged my belly.  They hid my back fat. They were comfortable. They were super cute!  I fell in love!  Oh wait, something I loved about being pregnant? Anytime you don't feel like a whale when your pregnant equals love in my book.  Even if just for a few hours.



A beautiful baby.  No more swelling. No more bloating. No more heart burn. No more raging hormones.  Fantastic.  Oh wait, I forgot she has to eat every two hours.  even at night.  Sleep deprivation. Poopy diapers. Spit up. Sure is cute though laying there gurgling bubbles at me. Wonder what she is thinking.

I think... I will go back to yoga. Keep wearing my For Two Fitness tanks for now.  Until I lose the baby belly.  Hopefully, people will just think I am preggers, not sporting a beer belly.  you know you care what people think of you too... yes, you do.


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