Thursday, February 3, 2011


I have always had a big bubble. No, I don't mean my backside.  I mean the "bubble" as in the space between me and you.  Why do people not get this simple courtesy? Let me summarize.

1.  I do not desire to smell the onion rings you had for lunch. the deodorant you should be wearing. or the expensive perfume you are wearing. This will make me hold my breath and hope you will go away before I pass out.

2.  Your story is not going to be better understood the closer you get to my face.  Purell makes my face dry, please do not spittle on me when you talk.

3.  Your not going to get through the line faster by taking two steps to my one and your breath on my back is making my skin crawl.

So, here is a good rule of thumb in case you are unaware about personal space.
Women: If your boob is touching me, your too close.
Men: Picture the length of your penis foot. No, the actual size. Multiply by three. Now, you can take off a few inches because we know your still exaggerating.

Do not come any closer.

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